Colour Forecast Research Workshop
Registration for the workshop is open
Are you interested in knowing how a colour forecast is developed? Come and join us for an exclusive workshop on Saturday, 12 October 2024, at the Studio Nyk Colour & Design in Borne, the Netherlands.
You will get a different perspective on the world around you and will be able to translate this insight into colour collections.
This one-day workshop will take place at the colour design studio of Anna Maria Nyk and will include an optional Studio Tour on Friday, the 11th of October.
The number of participants is limited.
The workshop will be led by Anna Maria Nyk and Jeannette Hanenburg.
Anna Maria Nyk is a colour and trend forecaster, working in the field of menswear. She develops colour trend books for international fashion brands. See her Sunday Morning Colour Talk: Colour and trend forecasting behind the scenes - the creative design process.
Jeannette Hanenburg is president of ICA-Belgium and the founder of the Colour Professionals Institute in Antwerp, with a diverse offer of courses and training in the field of colour.
The registration is taking place on the first come first served basis.
ICA-Belgium members are entitled to a considerable discount.
You can find all the information regarding the workshop here.
Meeting ICA-Belgium members
At the end of June, we had a wonderful Walk & Talk / Meet & Learn event for ICA-Belgium members at the Villa Empain in Brussels. We did what we love most - immersing ourselves in colour and talking about it a lot, of course!
We visited the exhibition Josef and Anni Albers: Iconic Couple of Modernism, the first exhibition dedicated to their work in Belgium.
Thank you all for the wonderful discussions and your enthusiasm!
All colours are born equal
Summer is in full swing in Europe. If you are on holiday or you are getting ready to hit the road, here is a perfect playlist for every colour lover: All Colours Are Born Equal - more than 80 songs and 5 hours from a wide range of music genres, with a colour term in the title or the lyrics.
Most of them are in English but also in French, Spanish, Italian, ... Great for relaxing, working, dancing, or while on the road.
Listen to this great collection and try to spot the colour in every song!
Colour-rich exhibitions in Belgium
24 May - 27 July 2024, Galerie Patinoire Royale Bach, Brussels, Belgium
LAb[au], laboratory for art and urbanism, is an artist group founded in 1997 by Manuel Abendroth and Jérôme Decock.
In their practice, the artists investigate the relationship between art and language by not only using written words and other forms of coded language (semantics) but also through signs (semiotics).
In the beginning, there was a simple idea: to permute the letters of colour names to obtain a third one: uran + beige = aubergine. However, crossing words is not the same as mixing colours. Consequently in this antagonism, the monochrome contributes to the long and dualistic relationship between the visual and the written, between the image and the language.
To achieve this result, a database of colour names was set up and an algorithm was written that crosses all these names and simultaneously queries a dictionary of possible, existing words. After months of calculations, trillions of permutations, thousands of words were generated, all adding new associations to the etymology and polysemy of colors.
More information and tickets here.
And if you are in the mood for black & white, LAb[au] is also presenting a solo exhibition at le Botanique in Brussels, called POSSIBLES | PROBABLES.
30 May - 4 August 2024, le Botanique, Brussels, Belgium
At the origin of this exhibition project, there is a simple question: how do you fill an empty, white page until it becomes full and black? For each new attempt, each new chapter, a rule is defined: proportionality, Fibonacci sequence, linear progression, randomness, stochasticality... and others, more singular, unclassifiable. Slowly, chapter after chapter, a lexicon is built up, potentially indexing all possible ways of performing the assigned task, filling the page... And the question is now completed as follows: is there an end to our imagination, to the possible? Infinity?
More information and tickets here.
25 April - 27 July 2024, Galerie Patinoire Royale Bach, Brussels, Belgium

American artist Casper Brindle (b.1968) presents California Light, his first solo show in Belgium.
Casper Brindle’s paintings are explorations of the expressive possibilities of colour, light and form. His palette ranges from spectacularly technicolour to subtly monochromatic, but ever present is the notion of centre. Whether it’s a striking, hard-edge horizon line running through the painting or a metallic bar floating on the surface, there is always a form that pulls us deeper into the imagery that Brindle presents.
A contemporary disciple of the 1960s & 70s Light and Space generation, Brindle too is intrigued by the sensory experiences triggered by colour and light. His expansive paintings shift and morph as the viewer walks past them, compelling them to pause and begin to explore the enigmatic spaces of perception. Brindle has referred to the process in which he creates his works as trance-like, and one can’t help but notice the meditative quality these paintings induce.
More information and tickets here.
23 March - 18 August 2024, Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp, Belgium
Flemish artist Jef Verheyen (1932-1984) returns to Antwerp. Forty years after his death, the KMSKA presents the first museum solo exhibition of this illustrious modern master in his hometown.
Window on Infinity closely follows the evolution of his work, in light and dark, in form and colour. New archive research reveals how Verheyen bridges the gap between tradition and innovation, between present and future. In search of the essence, in the infinite.
The impressionists see light first, then feel. I feel first then I see.
-Jef Verheyen
More information and tickets here.
We wish you a wonderful summer!
-your ICA-Belgium team
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