Colour Choices: A practitioner's guide to designing colour schemes
Sunday morning Colour Talk with Berit Bergström
On Sunday September 25th 2022 from 10h till 11h CEST our guest was Berit Bergström, a Swedish Colour Specialist & Educator. She presents her new book: COLOUR CHOICES – A Practitioner’s Guide to Designing Colour Schemes. A result of knowledge, inspiration, and colour teaching for more than 30 years.
Much of the research on colour has circled around how people perceive, experience, and react to colour, whether we share the same values or not. This book highlights the colour research results that may be beneficial to practitioners in colour schemes and design or those who are otherwise concerned with questions of colour design. Knowledge that can provide support and inspiration when it comes to colour choices, whether it is products or colour scheme of our environment.
It presents useful methods for analysing the meanings and associations of different colours, different ways of combining colours, creating colour range overviews, showing different external factors, colour changes, that affect the experience of the chosen colour. The book ends with practical examples of colour analyses and inspiring colour scales. It highlights different ways of working with colour in the sense of colour, the colour that we experience and not about colour mixing.
The purpose of this book is to acquire both broader and deeper knowledge about different ways of choosing colour for the design of our surroundings and the design of our symbol-rich world with signs, information boards, readability on computer screens and websites. It is a practical guide on colour design for architects, designers, students, and others who want to learn more about the possibilities of colour to create good environments to stay in. It is a result of knowledge, inspiration, and colour teaching for more than 30 years.

The Swedish version of the book can be purchased here and here. The English version will be available later this year.
Mrs Bergström is a Colour Specialist & Educator in colour and colour scheme in her own business, Berit ColourTalks, since 2016. She was employed by NCS Colour AB from 1990 to 2016. She was the Managing Director for Colour Academy between 1991 and 2012. NCS Colour Academy organises and develops colour courses in colour theory & colour design, for professionals. Berit has long experience of giving colour courses and presentations worldwide in NCS on a very high level. She has held courses in colour design for countless colour professionals and has conducted colour studies at university level worldwide. She has also carried out colour research projects, the purpose of one which was to inform professional colourists about useful results from Swedish colour research work. This was published in a booklet, Colour Choices – A practitioner’s guide to colour scheming and design, in Swedish and English (1996/2007 & 2008). She was administrator in the Colour Science Foundation (1991-1997) and was responsible for granting funding for different colour research projects within the field of colour. Berit has been a member of the AIC Executive Committee between 2006 – 2021. She was the President of AIC 2010 to 2013 and the chairperson of the AIC Study Group on Colour Education between 1998 and 2009. AIC is an International Colour Association that is comprised of over 28 colour associations from around the world. She has been the secretary of the Swedish Colour Centre Foundation since 1991.
More about her work via